A downloadable mod for Windows

Fux0red is a cruel realtime level alteration mod for doom 2 that runs on Gzdoom (included). It uses a procedural level generation/alteration system programmed into ACS that alter the levels wall positions by closing certain randomly chosen walls like doors, then it alters the heights of sectors, the light levels of sector and teleports in monsters and items. It then redoes the architecture for bots (see below) on a random timer.  Exit switches and teleports do all of the above, and retexture the map, allowing you to change 'levels' inside the level.  

At the beginning you can select enemy difficulty, and map count to play with the right and back switches respectively, and then make the map with the left switch.  Difficulties range from Normal, to Challenging (Plutonia), Insane (Scythe 2), Painful (Alien Vendetta), Hell Revealed 10 (Hell revealed), and Slaughterfest 2069 (Sunlust). 

To make it more fun, ZCajun is bundled with bots so you can watch a game instead of playing it yourself. To do this, make sure you build a map and then go to the console and type addbot then hit f12 after leaving the console.

Fux0red has really nasty traps compared to other doom maps... the traps are mean. I've seen it spawn 6 barons in a monster closet behind the player, warp the player into a dark room with a cyberdemon without warning, change the room the player is in from a big bright room to a dark small room without warning and worse things... It is unpredictable, chaotic and scary. A new level design tactic for doom this is!


fuxored.exe 17 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the .exe to a new folder, put your doom2.wad in the folder, double click on the configure.bat and then double click on the .bat file with the number of a texture pack to  install a texture replacer, then double click on fuxored.bat to play.

Development log