Fux0red is here!

Fux0red is here people. Fux0red is my latest doom mod. Taking the procuedural generation further than before possible in any doom mod, fux0red brings real time procedural level generation of ID quality doom maps in the engine itself. That's a big deal, as procedural map mods could only do wolf3d style architecture at best before... Not only that. f8x0red is the FIRST doom mod to bring forth real time level alteration properties into a doom mod, to alter levels geometric properties in a substantial way.  Every 30-90 seconds, the levels geometry recalculates, making new rooms, opening new paths, closing off rooms, changing room shape and lighting, and warping player between rooms and new rooms in an instant. Not only that, the enemy placement can suddenly fuck up and spawn enemies in the new rooms to kill you as the rooms deform! 

This actually might scare some people thinking this is a Doom AI that makes doom maps in realtime buried in ZSCript... The effect is really AI like in the game. It is hard to not call it a scary AI mod. But I assure you it's nothing but a complex ACS mod... This mod might scare people... It really feels like the level geometry is trying to kill the player in real time all of the time.

The difficulty of the maps is configurable, and the amount of scripted fake level changes before beating the map is also configurable. Due to it's mean traps, this mods higher difficulty settings are brutally hard. Enemy placement can be cruel as hell in traps, warping cyberdemons into a room, or worse, multiple times into a level.  It has no real balance and mean enemy placement and total bullshit randomness of enemy positions is guarenteed. Therefore 70 HP is granted per level change to try to balance it out, and dehacked weapons are included. 

I've seen the mod throw in mean traps right and left including:
-Warping the area behind the player to open up a door to a room with 6 barons in the players face
-Warping the player into totally different rooms to fuck with me..,.
-Mean enemy placement in monster closets opening on all sides of the rooms, including archviles spawned without cover.
-Opening a trap with a cyberdemon and tons of monsters right infront of the players face.
-locking the player in a closet...
-Grates spawning in a room out the blue.
-retreating from enemies behind monster closets, causes a wall to raise in front of the player, blocking him from fighting them.

Due to these devious traps, the gameplay in this mod is mean as hell.. But it's so fun to see the bots pwn in this mod on the otherside of things... I've seen the bots go nuts and do a lot of crazy things, like punch out archviles without berserk, chainsaw massacre hordes of enemies, kill cyberdemons with the berserk fist, and many other funny things... The gameplay, including this, makes the mod infinitely replayable...


fuxored.exe 291 MB
22 hours ago