Onslaught Resurrected 3.0 is here!

This is the latest build of Onslaught Resurrected and probably the last. Major changes in 2.0 made me want to perfect it, so here is version 3.0 complete with 6 revamped levels.  6 revamped levels you say? Yes. Old levels that were off/bad or too short, like level 9 : death valley, level 10 : Las Vegas, level 11 : Minneapolis, level 12 : Chicago, level 14 : LA, and Level 21 : Antarctica have been completely revamped to make them longer, better and more importantly, Harder!

This is a major change people.

Gone is the old level 9 where it was a short easy military base. Now it's much longer, much darker, and much harder... Level 10 is now a huge sprawling Hitech city. So is level 11.  Level 12 though, steals the show for city levels in the game and is a Mech Fight Infested level with a humongous horde of enemies at the end!

Then you get the old level 14 which was easy and had no mutant infestation like in the story. Now the new level 14 has that mutant infestation and has the horrible Cacodemon Like Blasphemous Ones to contend with as they INFEST, and I mean INFEST LA. If you can't speed run, your fucked here!

Level 21 is a lot better too.. Gone is the  dark abandoned military base that is easy and weird. Now we have a huge sprawling abandoned Military Base with SHIT TONS of tough mutations and some really good weapons appear there too...

Anyway, those are MAJOR changes to the level design formula for the game. It really changes things for the better, and makes this really the best Onslaught game ever for level design, amping up the Difficulty and level quality a huge amount in version 3.0!


onsre.exe 315 MB
5 days ago

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