Onslaught Resurrected Improvements in 3.0+

Lets talk for a few minutes about massive improvements Onslaught resurrected 3.0 and later brought to the table to perfect the game. While some of these are not obvious, many of these help to improve the look of the game and feel of it dramatically...

Many of the below features were massive changes to the game, and many of them were sudden and maybe a bit risky to do. But Onslaught Resurrected 3.0  never will get anywhere without risks, and it turns out thanks to downloads it got today, that 4.0 actually improved the game dramatically in some ways, apparently and made people WANT to download it. But what made it improved? Well, lets just describe what I THINK may have helped.'

I will go into 5 features in detail in big paragraphs per feature.  Some of these are a bit subjective but I think some of these apply to the fact the game has gotten a bit better at least, since the redone levels in 3.0 were rolled out, starting with Episode 2, then Episode 4 in 3.5, then finally episode 1 and 3 in 4.0...

5:  Improved skies....

The original levels really didn't do what a Zdoom levelset could do for skies...  Zdoom supports unreal styled skyboxes, where what you see in the sky is based on Zdoom Architecture made in a skybox section of the map, similar to how Unreal 1 does skyboxes.  You then place a sky camera and you will see what that camera sees as you look into the sky.  Obsidian map generator like Obaddon before, supports Procedural generated skyboxes.   However, they are a bit bugged and I disabled them while making the initial Onslaught Resurrected levels in November 2023.  I then re-enabled them to build the episode 2 levels and noticed how good the sky looked in map10-12 now... I then had to improve more episodes to make them all show this detail off.... Due to this, the new city skies, in particular, look amazing. Now you will see city skylines that are in 3d now... It is a huge immersion improvement to do this!

4: Improved Architectural Detail

Obsidian Level generators latest version was used for all the levels in Onslaught Resurrected 4.0, and all the new episodes in 3.0 and 3.5. An older build was used in Older Episodes that were in the initial Onslaught Resurrected.  The new builds add tons of prefabs and texture settings that the old builds lack... This causes the levels to add new looks, new architectural features, such as Darker Lighting in maps, improved architectural prefabs for room creation, improved texture themes for the level generator and more... New Door prefabs are seen in the new map29 and you see new water tank prefabs in mp17, making it seem like a nerve gas storage facility. This actually improved the game significantly in 3.0+ and added in sloped pillars, canals and other things into the new city levels for 4.0... You also see what looks like guard barrack in Map18 now...

3: Improved scary prefabs...

Really noticeable near the end of the game, the New builds of Obsidian Level generator add in darker, scarier types of  architecture are seen in the new maps put out by 3.0 and higher.  You end up seeing more disturbing hellish texture choices for city maps in map26, and creepy candles in that map too... This doesn't effect other maps as much but it's a noticeable change that helps to make the maps scarier...

2: Improved Combat balancing...

One major change the new obsidian brought back in is hordes of monsters... You really see this used more in the new maps 3.0 and later put in Onslaught... The original Onslaught Resurrected's earlier levels were less horde intensive, and had less enemies in big groups overall. But as soon as you go into map01 in 4.0 you get a horde near the end. Same thing is true in map02 and it's 10x worse... This horde combat made certain maps absolutely brutal in difficulty and map08 and 20 are FAR harder than the old ones due to this... This helps to improve the actual gameplay and make it more like Hell Revealed or Serious Sam, and because of this, it's back to being fast paced again... This helps a lot because the initial concept for this game was to use tons of enemies per room so this is needed now.

1: Better level design...

This is really noticeable in 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0. Maps that replaced older maps, consistently blew the old ones out of the water... In fact 23 of 28 maps in Onslaught Resurrected 4.0 are better than their older equivalents,  This is really noticeable in Episode 2 and 4 especially, where  the original Onslaught Resurrected had bad, boring level design.  Many old maps, like map09, map10, map11, map12, map22, map23, map26, and map29 were too short and boring. Some other maps like map21, map23, map12, map11, and some others were flat out bad maps... This has been drastically improved since 3.0 came out.  Maps in those slots are FAR better now... The new map12 is the best map in the game. Map21 is now amazing. Map23 is way better now, map25 is a huge improvement over old map25 even though oid map25 was good too, map10 is way better than the old one, map11 is far better...  These help to make Onslaught Resurrected get great level design it needs to top the competition down the road.

These features are important, they helped Later version become amazing when the initial release needed work... It's been improved and a lot of these features helped when they needed to.

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