Onslaught Resurrected 4.0 is out!

A new version of Onslaught Resurrected is out... This new version brings forth revamped levels for all episodes, including episodes 1 and 3 now... That wasn't easy to do this time, due to a bug but I fixed it so fuck it.

The maps for Episode 1 and 3 were revamped by regenerating them with Obsidian Map Generators latest version. This adds in Skyboxes to all city maps and revamps the architecture to make them much better in that category.  Also gameplay in these new maps is top notch, expect cruel difficulty with Hordes of enemies, and HORDES in Boss maps... It's really intense now, and even map01 has a horde now!  it makes the game far harder now, and map02, map08 and Map20 are really tough now. 

Almost all maps are gigantic improvements over their old counterparts in episode 1 and 3. Map02 is huge and fun now. Map03 seems like it could be a sub base in Boston. Map04 is an abandoned city that has a lab entrance in it. NYC kills compared to even the last version. Map06 and 07 are worse, but map08 is equal to the old map08.  Map13 is amazing and seems like a military base now. Map15 and 16 now seem like cities. Map 18 and 20 are great looking city levels. Map19 was messed up but map17 steals the show. It's now a dark mutant infested factory now and is really cool for a map where you have to destroy the Cult's nerve gas supply.

The bug that reared it's head is a clusterfuck in itself. In the latest version of Obsidian, UDMF is the default map format now. That wouldn't be such an issue, if the map generator didn't have this bug that prevented it from using proper UDMF linedef action formats  in the final map of a wad if that wad was going to be used to be joined into a game, with maps renamed... This had to be done this way, to make Onslaught work, and it made map13, map05, map08, and map20 break horribly in the way that all line actions failed to work. I had to alter the maps to make them beatable, which I should NOT have to do. This was a stupid error that could have been fixed by SIMPLY NOT USING UDMF! These people think using UDMF is better just because it's the new format. What is wrong with the default Doom map format? In my opinion it works fine, so Why fix what isn't broken you idiots? Anyway, enough of me bitching about idiots in the community making life harder for me, by breaking my mods by upgrading to the "newest shiney" format without even me asking!


onsre.exe 325 MB
3 days ago

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