Onslaught resurrected 3.5 is here....

A new version of Onslaught resurrected has been released.... This is a major change to the game... And it redoes even more levels... This time it redoes episode 3 of the game (map21-30)... With new levels, that are bigger, harder and better (for the most part) than the old levels...

Level 21 is a sprawling military base level in Antarctica with dark lighting and a lot of mutants, especially at the end... It's a hell of lot better than the previous onslaught resurrected level 21's and show's it's dark side right away...  

Level 22 is a short but sweet underwater base level that has easy to medium gameplay... it's not that hard and is  the easiest level in the episode by miles... It's better than the original onslaught resurrected level 22.

Level 23 is far harder than level 22 and is a huge underwater base level filled with nasty enemy placement... It has tough fights throughout the whole level and is quite hard.

Level 24 came out bad. It has lighting issues that cause slowdown on my system. Besides that It isn't that bad... Modern systems SHOULD handle it fine. My Rig is 10 years old so...

Level 25 is a short but difficult base map with tough enemy placement where hordes of enemies show up. It's quite hard. My demo of it is nuts. I got lucky in 3 fights that were really, and I mean REALLY hard... 

Level 26 is a huge demonically fucked up city level with red haze and demonic temples everywhere... it's the ruins of Baltimore and is quite long... It's also somewhat mazy.

Level 27 is a short little base map Outside of DC... It's not too long and only took me 1 minute to finish but I didn't cover all of it.

Level 28 is a red hazed outdoor streetcorner level in DC... It's quite hard near  the end and at the beginning it's hard as wel...

Level 29 is the Cult Shrine in DC. It's actually medium difficulty but isn't that long either.... It's kind of a breather before level 30.

Level 30 is a mutant infested final level where you try, and fail to fight the cult leader, Damian Ichabod...  It has TONS of mutants, and is very hard...

Anyway, that is the final build of Onslaught done... I don't intend to Fix it further because I like the levels I would be replacing. Episode 4 was way more disliked than episode 1-3, so replacing it was ok. But Episode 1-3 right now are very good, so I cannot replace them anyway... That is it for the final build of the game people. Barring game breaking bugs, there will be no more releases of Onslaught.


onsre.exe 318 MB
4 days ago

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